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depleted uranium                                                                                        back to:  freepeople    info & campaigns    links
Where and how much DU has been fired - from Laka Foundation
Register of transfers & licensed production of major conventional weapons - from Laka Foundation
Dr Doug Rokke - former head of the Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project speaks out.....10/11/00
IDUST- International Depleted Uranium Study Team paper on the use of DU in military weapons
CADU- Campaign Against Depleted Uranium website
Viequesdepleted uranium use by US Navy on Vieques, Puerto Rico 
Depleted Uranium  Information factsheets on Depleted Uranium, its use  in theatres of war and effects on health 
Uranium gets the bullet Why the military loves Depleted Uranium & what might replace it in the future 
KosovoDepleted Uranium ammunition use in the Kosovo war 
Amra Kevic NATO accused of wider uranium use in Kosovo 
Links to other DU sites