Updated: 26-03-01

ISO Latin-1 Character and Entity References

Some characters are difficult to represent in web pages. The biggest problems are the "<" and ">" signs, which, if you simply type them into your text, will be interpreted by browsers as a tag! To solve this problem you can specify any character by putting an ampersand followed by either (1) a hash followed by the character's decimal ASCII code or (2) the character's HTML entity name. Both of these options should be ended with a semicolon.

For example, to specify the "copyright" sign, put &copy; into your HTML code. You could put &#169; instead, but it's better to put &copy; - it works with more browsers. You can test your browser by looking at the columns "Character Reference", which uses the &#nnn; method, and the column "Entity Reference" which uses the &entity; method.

The "&" and """ signs often don't pose problems for browsers... but they do sometimes! So it's good practice to specify them as &amp; and &quot;.

The following table lists The ISO Latin-1 entities defined as part of HTML. These entites are supported by almost all browsers, and are defined as part of the ISO Latin-1 character set.

NOTE -- There is a useful Table Key at the bottom of this document, plus a note about Apostrophes that may be helpful for HTML authors.

Character #
Character #
Description ISO
034 0022 " quot " double quote ISO 8859-1
038 0026 & amp & ampersand ISO 8859-1
060 003C < lt < less than ISO 8859-1
062 003E > gt > greater than ISO 8859-1

160 00A0   nbsp   no-break space ISO 8859-1
161 00A1 ¡ iexcl ¡ inverted exclamation mark ISO 8859-1
162 00A2 ¢ cent ¢ cent sign ISO 8859-1
163 00A3 £ pound £ pound sterling sign ISO 8859-1
164 00A4 ¤ curren ¤ general currency sign ISO 8859-1
165 00A5 ¥ yen ¥ yen sign ISO 8859-1
166 00A6 ¦ brvbar ¦ broken (vertical) bar ISO 8859-1
167 00A7 § sect § section sign ISO 8859-1
168 00A8 ¨ uml ¨ umlaut (dieresis) ISO 8859-1
169 00A9 © copy © copyright sign ISO 8859-1
170 00AA ª ordf ª ordinal indicatorfeminine ISO 8859-1
171 00AB « laquo « angle quotation markleft ISO 8859-1
172 00AC ¬ not ¬ not sign ISO 8859-1
173 00AD ­ shy ­ soft hyphen ISO 8859-1
174 00AE ® reg ® registered sign ISO 8859-1
175 00AF ¯ macr ¯ macron ISO 8859-1
176 00B0 ° deg ° degree sign ISO 8859-1
177 00B1 ± plusmn ± plus-or-minus sign ISO 8859-1
178 00B2 ² sup2 ² superscript two ISO 8859-1
179 00B3 ³ sup3 ³ superscript three ISO 8859-1
180 00B4 ´ acute ´ acute accent ISO 8859-1
181 00B5 µ micro µ micro sign ISO 8859-1
182 00B6 para pilcrow (paragraph sign) ISO 8859-1
183 00B7 · middot · middle dot ISO 8859-1
184 00B8 ¸ cedil ¸ cedilla ISO 8859-1
185 00B9 ¹ sup1 ¹ superscript one ISO 8859-1
186 00BA º ordm º ordinal indicatormasculine ISO 8859-1
187 00BB » raquo » angle quotation markright ISO 8859-1
188 00BC ¼ frac14 ¼ fraction one-quarter ISO 8859-1
189 00BD ½ frac12 ½ fraction one-half ISO 8859-1
190 00BE ¾ frac34 ¾ fraction three-quarters ISO 8859-1
191 00BF ¿ iquest ¿ inverted question mark ISO 8859-1
192 00C0 À Agrave À capital Agrave accent ISO 8859-1
193 00C1 Á Aacute Á capital Aacute accent ISO 8859-1
194 00C2  Acirc  capital Acircumflex accent ISO 8859-1
195 00C3 à Atilde à capital Atilde ISO 8859-1
196 00C4 Ä Auml Ä capital Adieresis or umlaut mark ISO 8859-1
197 00C5 Å Aring Å capital Aring ISO 8859-1
198 00C6 Æ AElig Æ capital AE diphthong (ligature) ISO 8859-1
199 00C7 Ç Ccedil Ç capital Ccedilla ISO 8859-1
200 00C8 È Egrave È capital Egrave accent ISO 8859-1
201 00C9 É Eacute É capital Eacute accent ISO 8859-1
202 00CA Ê Ecirc Ê capital Ecircumflex accent ISO 8859-1
203 00CB Ë Euml Ë capital Edieresis or umlaut mark ISO 8859-1
204 00CC Ì Igrave Ì capital Igrave accent ISO 8859-1
205 00CD Í Iacute Í capital Iacute accent ISO 8859-1
206 00CE Î Icirc Î capital Icircumflex accent ISO 8859-1
207 00CF Ï Iuml Ï capital Idieresis or umlaut mark ISO 8859-1
208 00D0 Ð ETH Ð capital EthIcelandic ISO 8859-1
209 00D1 Ñ Ntilde Ñ capital Ntilde ISO 8859-1
210 00D2 Ò Ograve Ò capital Ograve accent ISO 8859-1
211 00D3 Ó Oacute Ó capital Oacute accent ISO 8859-1
212 00D4 Ô Ocirc Ô capital Ocircumflex accent ISO 8859-1
213 00D5 Õ Otilde Õ capital Otilde ISO 8859-1
214 00D6 Ö Ouml Ö capital Odieresis or umlaut mark ISO 8859-1
215 00D7 × times × multiply sign ISO 8859-1
216 00D8 Ø Oslash Ø capital Oslash ISO 8859-1
217 00D9 Ù Ugrave Ù capital Ugrave accent ISO 8859-1
218 00DA Ú Uacute Ú capital Uacute accent ISO 8859-1
219 00DB Û Ucirc Û capital Ucircumflex accent ISO 8859-1
220 00DC Ü Uuml Ü capital Udieresis or umlaut mark ISO 8859-1
221 00DD Ý Yacute Ý capital Yacute accent ISO 8859-1
222 00DE Þ THORN Þ capital THORNIcelandic ISO 8859-1
223 00DF ß szlig ß small sharp sGerman (sz ligature) ISO 8859-1
224 00E0 à agrave à small agrave accent ISO 8859-1
225 00E1 á aacute á small aacute accent ISO 8859-1
226 00E2 â acirc â small acircumflex accent ISO 8859-1
227 00E3 ã atilde ã small atilde ISO 8859-1
228 00E4 ä auml ä small adieresis or umlaut mark ISO 8859-1
229 00E5 å aring å small aring ISO 8859-1
230 00E6 æ aelig æ small ae diphthong (ligature) ISO 8859-1
231 00E7 ç ccedil ç small ccedilla ISO 8859-1
232 00E8 è egrave è small egrave accent ISO 8859-1
233 00E9 é eacute é small eacute accent ISO 8859-1
234 00EA ê ecirc ê small ecircumflex accent ISO 8859-1
235 00EB ë euml ë small edieresis or umlaut mark ISO 8859-1
236 00EC ì igrave ì small igrave accent ISO 8859-1
237 00ED í iacute í small iacute accent ISO 8859-1
238 00EE î icirc î small icircumflex accent ISO 8859-1
239 00EF ï iuml ï small idieresis or umlaut mark ISO 8859-1
240 00F0 ð eth ð small ethIcelandic ISO 8859-1
241 00F1 ñ ntilde ñ small ntilde ISO 8859-1
242 00F2 ò ograve ò small ograve accent ISO 8859-1
243 00F3 ó oacute ó small oacute accent ISO 8859-1
244 00F4 ô ocirc ô small ocircumflex accent ISO 8859-1
245 00F5 õ otilde õ small otilde ISO 8859-1
246 00F6 ö ouml ö small odieresis or umlaut mark ISO 8859-1
247 00F7 ÷ divide ÷ divide sign ISO 8859-1
248 00F8 ø oslash ø small oslash ISO 8859-1
249 00F9 ù ugrave ù small ugrave accent ISO 8859-1
250 00FA ú uacute ú small uacute accent ISO 8859-1
251 00FB û ucirc û small ucircumflex accent ISO 8859-1
252 00FC ü uuml ü small udieresis or umlaut mark ISO 8859-1
253 00FD ý yacute ý small yacute accent ISO 8859-1
254 00FE þ thorn þ small thornIcelandic ISO 8859-1
255 00FF ÿ yuml ÿ small ydieresis or umlaut mark ISO 8859-1

Table Key/Description

  • Column 1 defines the decimal position of the character in the Unicode character set.
  • Column 2 defines the position of the character in the Unicode character set, but in hexadecimal notation.
  • Column 3 contains an SGML decimal character reference for the character (i.e., &#xxx;, where xxx is the decimal character code). If the character is rendered correctly, then your browser supports this character reference and has a font that can generate the required symbol. If you see a "box" or question mark, then your browser probably understands the character reference, but does not have an appropriate font for displaying it.
  • Column 4 gives the entity name by which the character can be identified.
  • Column 5 contains an actual entity reference, of the form &name;, where name is the name of the entity -- for example, &cent;. If the character is rendered correctly, then your browser supports this entity reference and has a font that can generate the required symbol. If you see a "box" or question mark, then your browser probably understands the character reference, but does not have an appropriate font for displaying it. If you simply see the literal entity string (e.g., &Epsilon;), then your browser does not understand the entity name.
  • Column 6 contains a short, simple description of the character.
  • Column 7 lists the ISO standard (if any) that originally defined this entity name.

Apostrophe Hell & How To Avoid It

Watch out for apostrophe (or single quote) marks. The "straight" apostrophe works in HTML, as does the backquote. These are normal ASCII characters, with decimal values 039 for apostrophe and 096 for backquote.

However, some text processors have a feature called "smart quotes" by which the program "helps" you by automatically pairing up apostrophes and changing them into angled open and close quote marks outside the normal ASCII character range. To avoid this annoyance, turn OFF smart quotes.

If it's impossible to do this, or if you just delight in being super systematic (perhaps you're typing in shell commands where the distiction between an apostrophe and a backquote is crucial) then instead of typing in the characters and peering at the screen to confirm that they're still what you think they are, you can specify their decimal character codes or (in one case) an entity reference. What you'll have just realised is that actually you can specify any normal, typeable ASCII character with its decimal character code - though usually there's no point when you can just type the letter.

Character #
Character #
Description ISO
039 0027 ' -- -- apostrophe ISO 8859-1
096 0060 ` -- -- backquote ISO 8859-1
180 00B4 ´ acute ´ acute accent ISO 8859-1

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