Archived news April 2001              back to:  freepeople   info & campaigns   links
7 held in Robert Hammill inquiry 29/4/01
No use of plastic bullets on "British mainland" - From United Campaign Against Plastic Bullets
Drugs war madness - missionary & baby daughter killed in Peru
U'Wa leader confronts US corporations
2 articles on MOD attempts to censor the media
Further controversy follows MOD banning order
Article from SchNEWS - Summit Wrong?
NMD update v24/04/01
U'Wa update 24/04/01
Sectarian incidents in the north of Ireland for March 2001
NMD update 20/4/01
From Gush Shalom - 80 theses for a new peace campaign
Aids charity has drug companies on the run in Souh Africa 14/4/01
NMD update from BASIC  9/4/01
U'Wa update  10/4/01
Michaeil Chossudovsky article on Washingtons finance for ethnic warfare in the Balkans
Palesinian homes systematically bulldozed 6/04/01
Sweashops, unions and fortress Europe
Support Israeli conscientious objector
British government to deploy new and dangerous plastic bullet
Britain should take lessons from India on how to deal with foot & mouth disease - Vandana Shiva
Report back from Peoples Global Alliance meeting - Milan